CT RH: AI Resume Analysis Tool for Lead Generation

How the addition of a custom web AI tool helped generate leads and differentiate from the competition.
The embedded tool generates a personalized report based on the user's uploaded resume

Driving Leads with an AI Tool

CT RH, a french agency specialized in career coaching, sought an effective strategy to transform web visitors into actionable leads while delivering them substantial value.

For this purpose, we developed a free web tool that analyzes the user’s uploaded resume and email them a custom PDF report highlighting their strengths, how they can improve their resume along with actionable advice to pick the right career trajectory.

The tool is a form embedded on the company’s website. After entering their email and uploading their resume, users receive a detailed resume analysis report in PDF format.

The prompt was crafted over numerous iterations to produce useful insights by relying on the company’s content.

We built the web form, PDF template and the email template to match the company’s brand.

This worfklow ties together the client’s WordPress website with a number of services: FormBricks, OpenAI, Gotenberg, Supabase and Mailjet.

N8n Automation Worlflow

Technical Stack

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